凡被我校录取的留学生,应按照《录取通知书》规定的时间来校报到注册,具体流程如下: All international students admitted to ZUEL shall come to the university for registration within the time prescribed on the admission notice. Detailed procedures are as follows: 一、中国政府奖学金生新生报到、注册 ⑴Registration of Chinese Government Scholarship freshmen 持护照、《录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW201表)到国际教育学院注册、领取《留学生手册》、《入学指南》及学校地图,交护照用正面免冠照片8张并安排住宿。 Students should come on schedule to the IES of ZUEL with: lAdmission notice; lThe International Students Application Entry Visa to China Form (JW201 form); lPassport; l8 passport-sized photographs without headwear Registration formalities will include providing a Handbook for International Students, an Introductory Guide and a University Map. 二、交换生、自费生新生报到、注册 ⑵Registration of exchange freshmen and self-funded freshmen 持护照、《录取通知书》、《外国留学人员来华签证申请表》(JW202表)到国际教育学院注册、领取《留学生手册》、《入学指南》及学校地图,交护照用正面免冠照片8张并安排住宿。 Students should come on schedule to the IES of ZUEL with: lAdmission notice, lInternational Students Application Entry Visa to China Form (JW202 form) lPassport l8 passport-sized photographs without headwear Registration formalities will include providing a copy of Handbook for International Students, Entrance Guidebook and University Map. 三、在校生报到、注册 ⑶ Registration of non-freshmen 留学生在校生应根据学校校历在每学期开学时持学生证、护照到国际教育学院办理注册手续;进入专业学习的留学生还需持本科生证、研究生证前往所在学院办理注册手续。因故不能按时注册者应办理请假手续,否则以旷课论处。 Enrolled students shall come to the IES with student cards and passports going through their registration formalities as the new semesters begin according to the academic calendar of the university. Besides, students who have entered professional field study must go to corresponding schools for registrations with their undergraduate cards or graduate cards. Anyone who fails to go through their registration formalities on schedule shall contact the Office of the IES asking for leave, or else they will be regarded as unexcused absentees. 政府奖学金生凡在规定时间无故推迟注册的,将停发生活费直至注册手续完成。 If government scholarship students delay to go through the registration formalities on schedule without acceptable reasons, their living expenses will be cut off until the registration procedure is completed. 自费生于规定时间持国际教育学院开具的《中南财经政法大学外国留学生交费凭单》到财务处交纳学费及住宿费,领取发票,回执给国际教育学院进行注册。 Self-funded students shall come on schedule to the account department of the university with tuition voucher for international students issued by the IES, paying tuition and accommodation fees, get receipts, and give them to the IES for registration. 第二条课堂考勤 2. Class attendance 留学生按照我校校历规定参加学习,并享受我国节假日及学校的寒、暑假。留学生所在国的节假日,我校不放假。 International students take classes in accordance with the academic calendar, and take national holidays as well as summer and winter vacations. Classes will not be canceled on public holidays of other countries. 留学生应按照教学计划规定的课程和上课时间上课,由任课教师负责考勤。因故不能参加者,必须向老师请假。上课时应自觉遵守课堂纪律,衣着整齐,不迟到,不早退,不吸烟,不吃食物。 Students shall attend classes in accordance with the curriculum and lecture time prescribed by the teaching plan, and the lecturer is responsible for the attendance check in his/her class. Those who are unable to attend classes for any reason must ask the lecturer for a leave. Classroom discipline shall be observed and followed by all students. Tidy dressings are required. Any act comprised of entering the classroom after class begins, leaving before class ends, smoking and eating in class is forbidden. 留学生缺课学时计算方法如下: Calculation methods of absent class hours are as follows: ⑴ 入学教育、课堂教学旷课者按实际缺课学时计算; (1)If a student missed the enrollment education or classes, his/her absent hours shall be calculated according to the actual hours of absence. ⑵ 每节课上课迟到、早退在15分钟以内,3次按缺课1学时计算; (2)If a student comes to class less than 15 minutes late or leaves less than 15 minutes early for three times, he/she contributes one absence hour to his/her attendance record. ⑶ 每节课上课迟到、早退超过15分钟,一次按缺课1学时计算。 (3)If a student comes more than 15 minutes late or leaves more than 15 minutes early for one time, he/she contributes one absence hour to his/her attendance record. 对于中国政府奖学金生,我们将根据每月考勤按不同程度暂扣奖学金,直至该生通过奖学金年度评审后给予补发,一学期内缺勤率(包括请假和旷课在内)超过总学时的20%者,我们将书面通知国家留学基金委及留学生派遣国驻华使馆。 For student sponsored by the Chinese Government Scholarship Program, his/her scholarship will be deducted to a variable extent temporarily according to the monthly class attendance. The scholarship won’t be reissued until he/she passes the annual review of Chinese government scholarship. The university will send a written notice to the China Scholarship Council and the embassy of the country that sends the student to 第三条请假制度 3. System of asking for leave 为加强外国留学生的日常管理,规范外国留学生的请假行为,保障外国留学生教育教学等日常管理工作的正常进行,特制定本办法。 This set of regulations is formulated in order to strengthen the daily management of international students, standardize their act of asking for leave, and guarantee that the daily management of international students such as education and teaching activities go on normally; 1、外国留学生在校学习期间,必须按照教学计划的要求,按时参加教学计划规定的一切教学活动,集中精力学习,积极参加各项集体活动,争取做到不请假、不缺课。 (1) International students shall attend any educational activities on time at the request of teaching plan, concentrate on study, take an active part in group activities, and strive for full class attendance. 2、因故不能参加学校规定的教育教学活动,必须履行请假手续。 (2) Those unable to attend educational activities for any reason must go through procedures of asking for leave. 3、请假理由必须真实,对弄虚作假的,要进行批评教育,直至给予纪律处分。 (3) Students who ask for leave shall provide truthful reasons; anyone who resorts to deception will be criticized and educated or even subject to disciplinary sanction. 4、外国留学生请假分公假、病假、事假等三种。 (4) There are three kinds of leave for international students, i.e. public affairs leave, private affairs leave and sick leave. 公假即因外出参加学校组织会议与相关活动,无法在校学习而提出的请假; Public affairs leave refers to the leave from class for meetings or activities organized by the university. 病假即因身体健康原因无法参加学校课程教育教学而提出的请假; Sick leave refers to the leave from class for health reasons. 事假即因个人或家庭亲属的重大事件无法参加学校课程教育教学而提出的请假。 Private affairs leave refers to the leave from class for private or family events. 5、严格遵循报批原则,批假必须坚持实事求是原则,严格按审批权限和程序逐级审批。汉语学习阶段学生请假由国际教育学院审批;入专业本科生经所在专业辅导员同意、专业学院审批后报国际教育学院;入专业研究生、进修生经指导教授同意、专业学院审批后报国际教育学院。 (5) Approval procedure shall be closely followed in accordance with the principle of being practical and realistic. Anyone in charge of examination and approval can only permit a leave within his/her authority. An ask-for-leave application during language study phase shall be approved by the IES. For undergraduates in professional study period, the application shall be approved by the support tutor and chief of one’s corresponding school and handed to the IES An application from postgraduates and advanced students shall be handed in to the IES after they have obtained the approval of their supervisors and chief of their corresponding school. (1)请假人提交书面请假申请,说明请假的原因和时间,并报审批人审签。 (ⅰ)Anyone who needs to ask for leave shall hand in a written application with reasons and duration for the examination and approval. (2)请假时间在两节课以内的,报任课教师审批; (ⅱ)Application for 2 periods off or less shall be approved directly by the lecturer; (3)请假时间在1天以内的,由国际教育学院辅导员、专业学院辅导员或指导教授审批; (ⅲ) Application for 1 day off or less shall be approved by the support tutor of the IES or one’s corresponding school, or the supervisor. (4)请假时间在2-3天以内的,由国际教育学院辅导员或专业学院辅导员签署意见后报国际教育学院留学生办公室主任或专业学院学办主任审批; (ⅳ) Application for 2 to 3 days’ off shall be approved by the chief of the student office of IES or the chief of student office of one’s corresponding school after the examination of the support tutor of the IES or one’s corresponding school. (5)请假时间在4-5天以内的,由国际教育学院留学生办公室主任或专业学院学办主任和指导教授签署意见后再报国际教育学院院领导或专业学院院领导审批; (ⅴ) Application for 4-5 days’ off shall be approved by the chief of the IES or one’s corresponding school after the examination of the Dean of Student Office of the IES or of one’s corresponding school and the supervisor. (6)请假时间超过6天的,由国际教育学院院领导和专业学院院领导共同签署意见后报学校审批。 (ⅵ) Application for 6 days off or more shall be approved by the university after the examination of both the Dean of the IES and one’s corresponding school. 获批准后由留学生本人将请假申请交国际教育学院备案。请假必须经过同意后才生效,凡未请假或请假未获批准或未上交至国际教育学院备案者,均按旷课处理。 Once the application is approved, the applicant shall hand in the written asking-for-leave application for the record of the IES. Application will be of no effect until approved. Those who leave without application or approval or fail to hand in the application for the record of the IES will be regarded as unexcused absentees. 6、上课期间,因病、因事临时请假,可直接向当堂任课教师请假,任课教师可视具体情况决定是否准假。事后,请假人应当及时向外国留学生辅导员说明情况并补办请假手续。 (6) If sick leave or private affairs leave is necessary during the class, applicant shall ask for leave directly from the lecturer who makes decisions according to circumstances. In addition, the applicant shall report in time to his/her support tutor and complete the ask-for-leave formalities. 7、在校外参加实习、竞赛、调查等学校集体活动期间,应遵守实习纪律,因特殊情况需请假者,由实习单位或带队教师批准。
8、考试期间,一般不予请假,如有特殊情况需持证明提出书面申请,并经主管教学的学院领导同意,办理有关缓考手续后履行请假手续,未经批准而擅自不参加考试者,一律按旷考处理。 (8) In general, ask-for-leave application will not be approved during academic examinations, if it is necessary, the applicant needs to hand in a written application and have it approved by leaders in charge of teaching. In addition, one can only leave after he has gone through the examination postponement formalities. Those absent from examinations without approval will be regarded as unexcused absentees. 9、请病假需有校医院或县级以上医院出具的病情诊断证明书。 (9) Medical diagnosis of school hospital or hospital above the county level is needed for sick leave. 10、特殊情况下,因故不能事前请假,必须电话告知国际教育学院,说明理由,回校后三天内持相关证明办理补假手续。 (10) Those who fail to apply beforehand for special reasons must first notify the IES the reasons on the phone and complete the formalities within 3 days after going back to school with relevant evidential materials. 11、需延长假期者,在请假期满以前说明理由,持有关证明申请续假,如本人不能亲自办理可委托他人办理,否则按旷课处理。 (11) Those who need to extend their leave time shall explain the reasons in advance and then go through the formalities of leave extension with relevant evidential materials. They are allowed to entrust others for extension if they are unable to come in person. Those who fail to extend the leaves will be regarded as unexcused absentees. 12、请假期满后,请假人必须亲自到国际教育学院和专业学院办公室及时办理销假手续,否则按旷课处理。未销假或未办理续假手续,按实际上课时数计算旷课,在一学期内累计旷课达到一定学时,按学籍管理有关规定处理。 (12) Students need to report back in person after leave of absence at the IES and one’s corresponding school, or else they will be regarded as unexcused absentees. Time of absence shall be counted according to actual periods. Students shall be punished according to the rules of student management if they are absent from class for certain class hours each semester. 13、逾期两周以上不请假者,视为自动放弃学籍,学校将通知武汉市公安局出入境管理处注销其合法居留资格。留学生请假累计不得超过每学期总周数的二分之一,超过者原则上作自动退学处理。 (13) Students who are absent for more than two weeks without asking for leave will be regarded as the ones who voluntarily abandon their qualifications as the admitted students. And the university will inform the Exit-Entry Administration Division of Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau to cancel their residence permits. A student’s absent days shall not exceed half of the total teaching weeks each semester, or else he/she will be regarded in principle as a voluntary dropout. 14、留学生研究生因撰写学位论文而申请外出调研,必须是在完成教学计划规定的课程学习且课程考试合格后,经指导老师同意,报专业学院院领导和国际教育学院院领导审批,外出调研时间最长不超过一个学期。学生在提出请假外出调研申请时,必须同时提交外出调研提纲。 (14) International graduate students can only apply for research out of school after they have finished the courses prescribed by teaching plan and passed all examinations with their tutors’ consent, and then shall be approved by the Dean of the IES and one’s corresponding school. Duration of research shall not exceed one semester. In addition, students are required to submit investigation outline for the application. 15、留学生研究生因参加学术会议而申请外出,必须提交学术会议的邀请函和参会论文,经指导老师同意,报专业学院院领导和国际教育学院院领导审批。 (15) International graduate students who ask for leave for academic conferences shall hand in the invitation of academic conferences and the papers submitted to the conferences and then be approved by the Dean of the IES and one’s corresponding school with their tutors’ consent. 16、留学生在请假期间应保管好自己的随身财产,并对自己人身安全负责。 (16) International students shall have their properties well kept and be responsible for personal safety during the leaving period. 第四条考试规则 4. Examination rules 留学生应按时进入考场,迟到30分钟者,不得参加本次考试,该课程作旷考论处。因特殊原因不能参加考试者,必须事前向任课老师申请,并经所在学院批准,否则作旷考论处。 Students are supposed to take the exam on time. Those who are late for 30 minutes will not be permitted to take the examination and will be regarded as voluntary absentees from a given examination. Those who can not attend examinations for special reasons must submit applications beforehand to the relevant lecturers and have their applications approved by their schools or else they will be regarded as voluntary absentees from a given examination. 留学生进入考场后,须持留学生证或学生证按规定间隔就坐,不得自由结合就坐,应服从监考老师的安排;除考试必须的文具用品外,不允许携带任何物品和自备草稿纸入考场,必须将考试无关的物品放在监考教师指定的地方。 Students shall take every other seat after entering the examination room with the international student card or student card. Deliberated seating with friends is forbidden, and the instructions from the supervisors shall be followed. Nothing is allowed in the examination room but the required stationery. Candidates shall put all items irrelevant to the exam in the designated area. 留学生拿到试卷后,应先用钢笔或签字笔(蓝色或黑色墨水)填写好试卷封面各项,特别是学号、姓名、院系名称,然后答题。留学生在交卷前不得以任何理由离开考场,考场内应保持肃静,不准在考场内谈话、吸烟以及在走廊上喧哗。退出考场时,试卷、答题卡、草稿纸全部放在桌上,由监考教师收齐。交卷后应立即离开考场。 After receiving the exam papers, students shall fill in the blanks on the cover with a fountain pen or a roller pen in Blue or Black ink. Information required includes Students number, name and department. Candidates shall not leave the examination room for any reason before the papers are handed in. Silence shall be observed in the examination room. Talking indoors, smoking and making noise in the corridors are expressly forbidden. Before leaving the examination room, students shall put the exam paper, answer sheets and scratch papers on the desk for supervisors to collect, and leave immediately after the papers are handed in. 考试中不得有偷看、夹带、传递和交换试题解答等任何形式的作弊行为,否则考试作废,成绩按“0”分记载,还将视情节轻重给予纪律处分。 No peeking, notes smuggling, passing or exchanging answers, or any other form of cheating is allowed during the exam. Anyone who cheats will make his/her paper invalid and get a zero for the examination, and will be further disciplined according to varying degrees. 第五条休学与复学 5. Suspension and resumption of schooling 留学生可以在相应学制的学习年限内分阶段完成学业,具有以下情况者,可以休学,休学一般以一年为期(不超过两次),休学期间不计入学习年限。 International students may complete their studies by stages within the study period under corresponding school system. The suspension usually lasts for one year (at most twice per student), and cannot be counted as study period. 1、留学生在校期间有下列情况者可以申请休学: (1)Those who have the following conditions can apply for the suspension: ⑴ 家庭经济困难的学生; (i) Students with family financial troubles ⑵ 因特殊原因,需要调整学习状态的学生; (ii) Students who need to adjust learning state due to special reasons ⑶ 休学期满,需继续休学的学生; (iii) Students who need to extend the suspension; 2、留学生有下列情况者应当休学: (2) Those who have the following conditions shall suspend their study: ⑴ 未按规定缴纳学费又未办理暂缓手续的学生,其所在院(系)不予报到注册,超过该学期总学时1/3者,应劝其办理休学手续; (i) Students who neither pay the tuition nor go through procedures for extension will be rejected for registration by their schools (or departments). If one third of the semester passes and they still do neither, it is recommended that their study will be suspended. ⑵ 因病经指定医院确诊,须停课治疗。休学占一学期总学时1/3以上者; (ii) Having diseases definitely diagnosed by designated hospitals and needing full time medical cares which will take up more than one third of the semester; ⑶ 根据考勤,一学期请假超过该学期总学时1/3者; (iii) Being absent for more than one third of the semester ⑷ 已婚女学生怀孕、生育者; (iv) Married females being pregnant and giving birth to babies; ⑸ 因某种特殊原因,本人申请或学校认为必须休学者。 (v) Submitting applications or being regarded necessary to suspend the study by the university for special reasons. 休学者需本人提出申请,经院(系)同意报请国际教育学院批准,出具休学证明,方可休学。休学一般以一学年为限。休学学生应及时离校,休学期间奖学金生不享受奖学金的待遇,往返路费自理。 Those who suspend their studies shall submit application in person. They can take the suspension only after the approval of their academic schools (departments) and the provision of suspension certificates issued by the IES. The time span of suspension is usually limited to one academic year. Those who take the suspension shall leave the campus in time, and will not enjoy their scholarship (if any) and sponsored travel expenses. 3、复学:休学期满后应于开学前一个月内申请复学,因病休学的者,应在复学前两个月将医院的健康证明寄到我校,征得我校同意后,方可来华。来华后须经复查,符合健康标准者方可复学。 (3) Resumption: students shall apply for resumption within a month before a new semester. Those who take the suspension for illness shall send the hospital-issued health certificates to the university two months before the resumption, and can only come to 4、中国政府奖学金生休学、复学按照《中国政府奖学金生休学、复学、退学的管理办法》执行。 (4) The suspension and resumption of Chinese Government Scholarship students shall be operated in accordance with the Regulations on Suspension, Resumption and Expulsion of Chinese Government Scholarship Students. 第六条转学和变更专业 6. University transfer and major change 政府奖学金生一般不得转学、变更专业或延长学习期限。如因特殊原因需转学、变更专业或延长学习期限的,必须由留学生本人提出书面申请,学校同意,留学生派遣国驻中国大使馆或有关派遣单位出具同意转学、变更专业或延长学习期限的正式函件,报国家留学基金管理委员会同意批准方可。申请延长学习期限者,须在每年4月15日前提出申请,申请转学、变更专业或授课语言者须在进入专业学习后第一学期期中考试前提出申请。 Government scholarship students are usually not allowed to transfer to other universities, change their majors or prolong the study period. If they need to transfer to another university, change their majors or prolong the study period for special reasons, they must submit a written application in person, have the application approved by the university, and get the official letters issued by their embassies in China or other institutions of their countries approving the application to transfer to another university, change majors or prolong academic stay. The application is invalid until it is submitted and approved by the China Scholarship Council. Those who apply to prolong the study shall submit applications before April 15, while those who have started professional study shall submit applications before the mid-term examinations of their first semester in this university if they want to apply for transferring to other universities, changing their majors or language of instruction. 自费留学生需转学、变更专业或延长学习期限的,必须由留学生本人提出书面申请,学校同意方可批准。申请延长学习期限者,须在每年4月15日前提出申请。申请转学、变更专业或授课语言者须在进入专业学习后第一学期期中考试前提出申请。 Self-funded students who need to transfer to other universities, change departments or prolong the study must submit a written application in person and have the application approved by the university. Those who apply to prolong the study shall submit applications before 15th, April, while those who have started professional study shall submit applications before the mid-term examinations of their first semester in this university if they want to apply for transferring to other universities, changing their majors or language of instruction. 申请变更专业的学生须提交所在学院盖章或指导教授同意的申请书,并通过转入专业的资料审核和入专业考核后方能上报其大使馆和留学生基金委审核。 Student who applies for transferring major shall submit the application with the seal of his/her corresponding school or approved by his/her supervisor and passes the evaluation and examination of the major he/she applies for transferring to. 留学生有下列情况之一者,不能申请变更专业: Those who have any of the following conditions cannot apply to change majors: ⑴ 本科生进入专业学习一年以上者; (1)Those who have studied in their undergraduate major field for more than one year ⑵ 正在休学、停学、保留学籍的学生; (2)Those who take suspension, expulsion and name retaining ⑶ 应予退学者; (3)Those who shall be expelled from university ⑷ 其他无正当理由者。 (4)Those who have no acceptable reason 注册为“进修生”、“语言生”的留学生,在学习期间,根据有关规定可申请转为学历生,申请批准后生效。 During the study, international students who are registered as advanced student or language student can submit applications to transfer to the Degree Program in accordance with relevant regulations. Applications will be valid upon approval 第七条退学 7. Withdrawal 1、留学生有下列情况之一者,应予退学: (1) International students who have any of the following conditions shall be expulsed from university: ⑴ 新生体检不合格者; (i). Freshmen who fail the physical examination; ⑵ 在一学期内所得学分未达到所选学分的1/2者; (ii). Those who are unable to get half of the total selected credits in one semester; ⑶ 在弹性学制年限内未完成学业,未修满专业教学计划规定的总学分和各课程模块学分者; (iii).Those who fail to finish school, or obtain the credits prescribed by the general teaching plan of the major and every module of curriculum within the flexible length of schooling; ⑷ 休学期满,未按规定办理复学手续者; (iv). Those who fail to go through resumption procedures in accordance with the relevant regulations after the suspension; ⑸复学经审查不合格不准复学者; (v). Those who apply for the resumption and fail in the checkup, and are not allowed to resume their studies; ⑹经学院动员,因病该休学而不休学,且在一学年内缺课超过1/3者; (vi). Those who, advised by the school, shall suspend their studies because of illness and refuse to take the suspension, and are absent from class for one third time of the whole semester; ⑺未按学院规定缴纳学费又未办理缓交手续的学生,所在教学单位不予报到注册,耽误时间超过本学期1/3学时,应办理休学手续而未办理者; (vii). Those who fail to pay the tuition in accordance with the school regulations and to go through the formalities of extension: they will not be registered under the corresponding schools; and those who delay the procedures for more than one third of the semester and thus shall, but fail to go through the suspension procedure; ⑻ 经学院指定的二级甲等以上医院诊断,患有特殊疾病或意外伤残无法继续在校学习者; (viii). Those who are diagnosed by Grade II first-class hospitals and above appointed by the school to have special diseases or accidental disabilities and are unable to continue the study on campus; ⑼ 未请假离校或请假逾期,连续14天未参加学院规定的教学活动者; (ix). Those who have been continuously absent for 14 days from the prescribed educational activities with an overdue leave note or no application; ⑽ 学生本人申请退学者; (x). those who apply to quit; ⑾ 其他违反学校规章制度需作退学处理者。 (xi). Those who shall be expelled for violating the rules and regulations of the university. 2、退学费 (2) Tuition withdrawing 自费留学生缴纳学费后于开课前提出退学的,填写退学申请表,经批准,退还学费的90%;开课后中途辍学、退学的,填写退学申请表,上半年4月30日前办理,退还该学期学费的50%,4月30日以后办理,则不退还该学期学费;下半年10月30前办理,退还该学期学费的50%,10月30日以后办理,则不退还该学期学费;已办理延长签证或居留许可者,需变更签证或注销居留许可后方可申请办理退费手续。被学校给予勒令退学或开除学籍等纪律处分者,已交学费不退。 Self-funded international students who have paid the tuition and demand to quit before the starting date of the courses shall fill in the application for withdrawal. Once approved, 90% of the tuition will be refunded. Those who drop out or withdraw from the university after the courses start shall fill in the application for withdrawal, and go through formalities on any day before April 30 in the first half of this year, or before October 30 in the second half of this year, and 50% of the tuition will be refunded afterward, or else their tuition of that semester will not be refunded. Those who have extended the visa or gotten a residence permit can only apply for the refund after they change the visa or cancel the permit. Those who have paid the tuition and receive disciplinary punishements such as academic dismissal or expulsion from the university will not receive any refund. 退费时,需要交回原发票。报名费一律不退。 Students shall return the receipt before receiving the refund. No application fee will be refunded. 申请退学的留学生经批准后,发给退学证明或进修证明,修满规定学分且成绩合格者,发给肄业证书;未修满规定学分者,发给学习证明。 Those who have their withdrawal applications approved will receive a certificate of withdrawal or a certificate of advanced study. Those who complete the prescribed credits and pass the examinations will receive a certificate of non-completion. Those who fail to complete the prescribed credits will receive a certificate of schooling in the university. 第八条毕业与结业 8. Graduation and completion of schooling 1、普通进修生完成学习计划,发给《进修证明书》;没有完成者,发给在校学习证明。 (1) Advanced students who complete the study plan will receive a certificate of advance study. Those who fail to complete the study plan will receive a certificate of schooling in the university. 2、高级进修生完成研究计划,发给《进修证明书》;没有完成者,发给在校学习证明。 (2) Senior advanced students who complete the research plan will receive a certificate of advance study. Those who fail to complete the research plan will receive a certificate of schooling in the university. 3、研究生、本科生完成教学计划规定的全部课程,修满规定的总学分,考试成绩及格,准予毕业,发给毕业证书;经审核符合《中华人民共和国学位条例》者,发给学位证书。 (3) Graduates and undergraduates shall complete all the courses prescribed in teaching plans, complete all credits required, and pass all the examinations before receiving a graduate certificate. Those who, after verification, meet the requirements of Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the Peoples Republic of 第九条离校 9. School-leaving 1、留学生离校(转学、休学、退学、毕业)前须到国际教育学院领取《离校手续单》。按规定办理手续,结清费用,交还应交回的物品、卧具、图书、证件等,学校据此办理有关离校手续。对于毕业生在所有离校手续办妥后,最后发给各种证书。 (1) Before leaving the university, including university transfer, suspension, withdrawal and graduation, international students shall come to the IES and get a list of leaving formalities. They shall go through the prescribed formalities, including paying outstanding debts, returning bedding, books and cards required by the university, based on which the university will run through the school-leaving formalities. Graduates will receive certificates after going through all the leaving formalities. 2、因休学、退学离校的留学生,须在接到通知之日起10日内办好离校手续离校。 (2) International students who leave the university due to suspension or withdrawal must go through leaving formalities within 10 days after receiving the notice . 3、转学的学生应在办理好转学手续7日内离校。 (3) Transfer students shall leave the university within 7 days after going through the transfer formalities. 4、结业或毕业的留学生,在结业或毕业后的10日内离校。毕业、转学的留学生不按规定时间离校者,学校不再提供住房。如因特殊原因推迟离校,需向国际教育学院说明原因,征得同意后,可延长半个月,但应按规定交费。 (4) International students who complete the schooling or graduate shall leave the campus within 10 days after the courses or the semester finishes. The university will not provide housings to those graduates or transferred students who do not leave on schedule. Those who need to postpone the leaving date for special reasons shall come to the IES giving the reasons. They can stay for another half month after being permitted, and shall pay the fee in accordance with the regulations. 5、对于不办理离校手续离校的留学生, 学校将不负责提供其在校的学习证明、学习成绩单以及毕业(结业)证书等有关资料。 (5) International students who do not go through leaving formalities will not receive such relevant materials as certification of study in the university, transcript and graduate (course-completion) certificate issued by the university. 留学生学历生的有关升留级问题,参照学校有关学籍管理规定办理。非学历生参照学历生的有关规定执行。 The promoting and holding back of international students of degree program shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant regulations on students management of the university. Students of non-degree program shall refer to the same regulations as degree-program students. 留学生不得违反中国法律规定就业、打工。否则,学校将按校纪校规严肃处理。 International students shall take full-time or part-time job according to the State laws and regulations, or else they will be severely punished in accordance with the rules and disciplines of the university. |