1、对于努力学习,认真完成学习任务,遵守校纪校规,品学兼优或在某方面表现突出的留学生,学校将予以表彰,并通报获奖者所在国驻华大使馆等。具体评奖要求如下: (1) International students who study hard, finish academic assignments carefully, abide by the rules and disciplines of the university, and excel in moral and academic performance or other aspects will be awarded by the university. The university will send praising message to the embassies of the awardees’ countries in China. Detailed requirements are as follows: ⑴学习优秀奖:遵守学校各项规章制度,尊敬老师,团结同学,学习认真刻苦,能完成教学计划规定,学习成绩优秀者。 a. Award for academic excellence: for those who abide by the rules and disciplines of the university, respect teachers, unite schoolmates, study hard, can finish tasks prescribed by teaching plan, and excel in transcript record. ⑵学习进步奖: b. Award for academic improvement ⑶文体活动积极分子奖: c. Award for activists in recreational and sports activities ⑷优秀学生干部奖: d. Award for excellent student cadres 2、对遵守学校纪律,学习成绩优秀的留学生,学校给予表扬和奖励,并推荐攻读高一级学位。 (2) International students who abide by university rules and excel in academic performance will be praised and awarded, and recommended for higher degree studies. 3、对长期积极支持、协助老师工作、帮助同学的留学生,给予适当奖励。 (3) International students who have been actively supporting and assisting teachers and helping schoolmates will be appropriately awarded. 第二条 处罚 2. System of Penalties 1、对违反校纪校规的学生,学校视其情节轻重和态度好坏给予批评教育或纪律处分。 (1) Students who violate university rules will be criticized and educated or taken disciplinary sanction in accordance with the seriousness of circumstances and the attitude of students. 纪律处分分下列六种:警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看、勒令退学、开除学籍。 There are six kinds of disciplinary sanction: warning, serious warning, recording of demerit, academic probation, academic dismissal, and expulsion. 2、无视学校纪律、破坏公共财产、酗酒、哄闹、故意摔砸酒瓶、斗殴、持械伤人、吸毒、贩毒或有其它不良行为者,学校将视情节轻重分别给予处分。留校察看的留学生,半年内如能改正错误,可解除处分;经教育仍不改正者或重犯者,责令其退学。因违反学校纪律被勒令退学或开除学籍者,应到公安机关办理签证或居留许可注销手续并立即回国。 (2) Those,who ignore university disciplines, destroy public properties, indulge in excessive drinking, run riot, injure other people with instruments, involve in fighting, drug taking or trafficking, or commit other punishable acts will be punished by the university in accordance with the seriousness of circumstances. If international students who are on probation can correct themselves within half a year, the punishments can be absolved. Those who refuse to correct themselves or recommit punishable acts will be expelled from the university. Students who receive academic dismissal or expulsion due to violation of university rules shall cancle the registration of their visas or residence permit at Public Security Department and return to their countries immediately. 3、凡在规定学习和休息时间内,打闹喧哗,进行各种有碍他人学习、休息的活动且不听劝阻者;煽动、组织聚众闹事,破坏学校正常生活、教学秩序者,给予记过以上处分。 (3) Students who make noises or act in a way that affects other people’ s study or rest and refuse to stop regardless of admonishment during the scheduled study time and bed time , or run riot breaching the normal teaching order of the university, will be punished with a disciplinary action heavier than recording of demerit. 4、违纪学生有下列情形之一者,应从重或加重处分: (4) Defaulters who have any of the following conditions shall be punished severely. 1)认错态度不好,拒不交待违纪事实、隐瞒重要情节或伪造情节者; a. Those who apologizing with a bad attitude, refuse to confess the violation of discipline, conceal important facts or falsify facts 2)同时违反多项纪律者; b. Those who violate more than one disciplines at one time 3)屡次违反纪律者; c. Those who violate disciplines for many times 4)对检举、揭发人实行恐吓、威胁、打击报复者。 d. Those who threaten, menace or retaliate on prosecutor or disclosers 5、对传播淫秽书刊和音像制品者,视情节轻重给予留校察看及以上处分。 (5) Those who distribute obscene publications as well as audio and video products will be punished with a disciplinary action no lighter than academic probation,in accordance with the seriousness of circumstances, 6、参与卖淫、嫖娼、骚扰他人、擅自留宿他人者,学校将视情节给予记过及以上处分。 (6) Those who are involved in prostitution, whorehouse visiting and molestation and accommodating other people without permission will be punished with an disciplinary action no lighter than recording of demerit. in accordance with the seriousness of circumstances, 7、严禁学生到江河湖泊游泳或洗澡,违反者给予记过及以上处分。 (7) Students are strictly forbidden from swimming or bathing in rivers and lakes. Those who violate the regulation will be punished with a disciplinary action no lighter than demerit. 8、对留学生违反学习纪律的处理: (8) Handlings of the international students who violate academic disciplines: 无故或未经允许缺课、学习期间擅自离校达一天以上者均为旷课(学习期间按每天8课时计)。留学生一学期内无故旷课累计超过该课程教学时数的30%者,不得参加考试,成绩计“0”分。 Those who are absent from class without acceptable reason or permission, or leave the campus during study period for more than one day will be regarded as unexcused absentees (8 periods per day). International students who are absent from a course without acceptable reason for more than 30% of the total lecturing hours of the course in a semester are not allowed to attend the examination, and will get a zero for this course. 一学期内所学课程缺课累计达8课时以上者,分别给予以下处分: Students who is absent in class for more than 8 class hours in one semester will be punished as follows: ⑴ 达8课时,给予警告处分; (ⅰ) Warning unexcused absence of 8 periods,; ⑵ 达16课时,给予严重警告处分; (ⅱ) Serious warning for 16 periods of unexcused absence; ⑶ 达32课时,给予记过处分; (ⅲ)Recording of demerit for 32 periods of unexcused absence; ⑷ 达64课时以上,给予留校察看、勒令退学或开除学籍处分。 (ⅳ)Academic probation, dismissal or expulsion for more than 64 periods of unexcused absence. 以上各项处分一经决定,学校除向当事人宣布和公示外,还将书面通知其本国驻华外交、代表机构或其国内派遣单位。 Once determined, the university will announce and publicize the disposal resolution to students involved, and send a written notice to the diplomatic and representative institutions of their countries in China or the students’ domestic dispatching units in their countries. |