第一条 全额奖学金生每月生活费标准(人民币):
本科生 | 2500元 |
硕士研究生 | 3000元 |
普通进修生 | 3000元 |
博士研究生 | 3500元 |
高级进修生 | 3500元 |
1. Living allowance standards for full scholarship students per month (RMB):
Undergraduate | 2500 Yuan |
Master’s degree candidate | 3000 Yuan |
General advanced student | 3000 Yuan |
PH.D candidate | 3500 Yuan |
Senior advanced student | 3500 Yuan |
第二条 奖学金生活费自奖学金生入学之日起逐月定期发给。新生于当月15日(含15日)之前注册的,发给全月奖学金生活费;15日之后注册的,发给半个月奖学金生活费。毕业生的奖学金生活费发至学校确定的毕业之日以后半个月。对休学,退学或结业回国者,奖学金生活费自下月起停发。学校规定的假期内奖学金生活费照发。奖学金生未请假而不按时到校注册、非健康原因离校或者旷课,时间超过一个月者,停发当月的奖学金生活费。
2. Scholarship students shall receive their living allowance monthly since the day of enrollment. Freshmen who register on or before the 15th day of each month will receive full living allowance of that month; those who register after the 15th day of each month shall receive half of the living allowance of that month. After the university confirms the graduate date, graduates will receive additional allowance for another half month. Students, who suspend the study, withdraw or complete the schooling and return to their countries will not receive their living allowance since the following month. Scholarship students will also receive their living allowance for holidays prescribed by the university. If a scholarship student does not come for registration on time without application, leaves the campus or is absent from class for more than one month due to reasons irrelevant to health problems, he/she shall not receive his/her living allowance of that month.
第三条 奖学金生实行每月签到制度,留学生本人需在每月最后一周非周六、周日的两天到国际教育学院签名,学院根据签到情况发放当月奖学金生活费。奖学金由国际教育学院转账存入留学生银行账户,留学生可凭银行卡到银行取钱。
3. Scholarship students shall sign in monthly at the IES during the last week of each month expect weekends, based on which the university shall distribute their monthly living allowance. Scholarship shall be transferred by the IES to international students’ bank accounts, and students can draw the money with their bank cards.
第四条 凡在我校学习期限超过一学年或原定学习期限结束后申请延长奖学金期限的中国政府奖学金生,每年必须参加奖学金年度评审。奖学金生于每年5月10日前填写由国家留学基金委统一制定的《中国政府奖学金年度评审表》,学校由国际教育学院、教务部和研究生部组成评审小组对留学生的学习成绩、考勤情况、学习态度、行为表现和奖惩情况进行评审,评审结果由学校上报国家留学基金委,国家留学基金委最后决定通过与否,并由学校将结果转告留学生本人。评审内容和评审标准请见当年的评审通知。
4. Chinese government scholarship students, who have studied in this university for more than one academic year or want to apply for scholarship extension after the initial schooling finishes, must take part in the assessment of scholarship every year. Scholarship students shall fill in the Form for Annual Review of Chinese Government Scholarship Status made by the China Scholarship Council before May 10 every year. A committee of delegates from the IES, Teaching Affairs Department, and Graduate Administrative Department shall be set up to assess the international students’ transcript, attendance, learning attitude, performance, awards and punishments. The university shall submit results of assessment to the China Scholarship Council which decides whether or not to continue the applicant’s financial support. The university shall inform the decision to the students. For detailed information of content and criteria of assessment, see the assessment notice of that year.
第五条 被中止享受中国政府奖学金资格者,自下一学年开学起停发其奖学金,但本人可按照学校有关规定申请自费留校继续学习。中止期满前,经本人申请,可以参加当年的年度评审,如评审合格,经基金委批准后,可以自下一学年起恢复发给奖学金。不按时提出奖学金申请者,按自动退学或自费生处理,并不得申请恢复奖学金。被取消享受中国政府奖学金资格者,从公布之日起停发其奖学金,其享受中国政府奖学金的资格不得再恢复。
5. A student who has been suspended for the Chinese Government Scholarship shall no longer enjoy it since the beginning of next academic year, but can still apply for the extension of study in this university at his/her own expense. Before the expiration, he/she can attend the annual review of the year upon his/her own application. If qualified, he/she can renew his/her scholarship from the next academic year with the approval of the China Scholarship Council. Anyone who fails to apply for the scholarship within time limit shall be regarded as voluntary dropout or self-funded student, and cannot apply for renewing scholarship. Those who have been disqualified from Chinese Government Scholarship shall be cut off the scholarship upon promulgation and their qualification to enjoy Chinese Government Scholarship shall not be reinstated.
第六条 政府奖学金生在规定学习期间未能完成学业需继续就读者,超出奖学金规定期间的全部费用由本人自理;
6. Chinese Government Scholarship students who fail to complete the schooling during the prescribed period and need to continue their study shall bear the extra expense by themselves.
第七条 奖学金生要求进行超出学校教学计划的实验或实习,所需费用由本人自理。
7.A scholarship student who requests experiment or internship which is not included in teaching plan shall bear the cost on his/her own.
第八条 连续2年获得学习成绩优秀奖的政府奖学金生经导师推荐攻读高一级学位者,可通过国际教育学院办公室向国家留学基金委申请中国政府优秀留学生奖学金。
8.A Government Scholarship student who gets Outstanding Achievement Award for two successive years and is recommended by his/her tutor for a higher degree can apply to the China Scholarship Council for the Chinese Government Scholarship for Distinguished International Students through the IES.
第九条 奖学金生来华后如被发现患有中国法律规定不准入境疾病者,应立即离境回国,回国旅费自理。奖学金生因患严重疾病需休学者,应回国修养,回国旅费自理。经学校和国家留学基金委批准休学者,享受奖学金资格最长可保留一年,但休学期间停发奖学金生活费。奖学金生因其他原因休学者,其享受奖学金的资格不予保留。
9.A scholarship student who has been found suffering from disease which is not allowed to enter China according to Chinese laws and regulations shall return to his/her own country immediately, and pay the homeward passage on his/her own. If a scholarship student suffers from a serious disease and needs suspensionofschooling, he/she shall go back to his/her own country to recuperate, and bear the homeward passage. A student who suspends his/her schooling with the approval of the university and the China Scholarship Council can have his/her scholarship qualification retained for at most one year, and his/her scholarship shall be suspended during the suspension. If a scholarship student suspends his/her schooling for other reasons, his/her scholarship position shall not be retained.